Why is this free? What’s the catch?
The small amount that I could charge for this service won’t make a difference to me – but it will make a difference to how many people list their aircraft. This site will be a waste of time unless we get good quality aircraft listed here, so there’s no sense in having a fee. We need listings – tell your friends, your flying club, and random people you meet in the street.
Will you start charging in future?
I have no plans to charge for aircraft hire in any way, but you never know what the future brings – so, here’s the promise – Aus Flying will always be free to list your aircraft, and it will be free for people to search it. If you list your aircraft before 1st Jan 2024, even if we ever introduce a paid plan, we’ll give you whatever extras that option provides at no cost, forever.
Who is behind this site?
My name is Mike Nash, and I’m an RPL pilot who recently sold my business to MYOB. I’ve always wanted to fly and now I get the chance to do it.