Cessna Aircraft Company P210N
Lismore Airport (YLIS)Description
Owner (Noel) is offering mentorship for young & upcoming pilots looking for C210 time, (VFR or IFR) turbocharged aircraft time and advanced engine management including ROP/LOP operations.
Noel is an experienced IFR commercial pilot who has been in the aviation industry for 40+ years with plenty of coaching experience to get you job ready.
Lismore based. 205 KTAS cruise speed @ FL200.
Vitatoe 550N Turbo-Normalised engine conversion, Pressurised, fully integrated dual glass panel, digital Auto-Pilot, EMS, Garmin 750xi & 650xi, WX 500 Stormscope, ADSB in and out, tip tanks.
Accommodation options available
- Constant speed unit
- Pressurised cabin
- Retractable undercarriage
- IFR certification
- Night VFR certification
- VFR certification
Pressurisation endrosement can be arranged locally
- Dry hourly rate:
- $0.00
- Wet hourly rate:
- $600.00
Wet hire pricing: $660/hr including GST on air switch
A 5% discount applies to a block of 10 hours if paid in advance
Mentoring, systems and engineering tutoring – nil charge
Landing/airways charges additional
Last update 09/01/24
Remember: It's your responsibility to check all particulars. Aus Flying is not responsible for the accuracy of aircraft loaded to our site
Contact the owner
Last update 09/01/24
Remember: It's your responsibility to check all particulars. Aus Flying is not responsible for the accuracy of aircraft loaded to our site